Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

As BCR Automotive, we have been working since 1996 with the goal of creating value for our employees, business partners, the community, and all areas we are in contact with. We prioritize our employees' awareness of their rights and responsibilities and ensure that they work in accordance with our company’s disciplinary rules and relevant legal processes. We strive to maintain our operations in a healthy and safe working environment by ensuring that our employees are aware of and adhere to Occupational Health and Safety as well as environmental regulations, whether they are using machinery, equipment, or other work tools during their tasks or while they are on the job site.

BCR Automotive employees act in accordance with our company's values and mission in all their activities and in every area where they represent the company. It is a priority for every employee to adopt respect principles alongside ethical rules at all stages of work.

Being Honest, Trustworthy, and Anti-Bribery

Acting honestly and being trustworthy in every task is one of our ethical principles. We are sensitive about ensuring the protection of customers' and potential customers' confidential/personal information within the framework of legal regulations.

Data Privacy

BCR Automotive employees are prohibited from sharing any non-public company information with third parties and must conduct their activities in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Law. If there is any doubt about whether certain information is public, employees should directly consult their superior.

Health and Safety

Our fundamental principle is to provide a safe and healthy workplace environment and to minimize the causes of potential hazards that may naturally arise in the workplace, to the extent reasonably practicable, in order to prevent possible accidents and worker injuries that may arise from or be related to work processes.

Regardless of the costs, appropriate personal protective equipment is provided to the staff. In the event of a work-related injury, our organization provides first aid. In this regard, staff members who have received first aid training are available within the company. On one day each week, an occupational physician from our contracted institution visits the workplace to attend to employees' medical needs, such as examinations and prescriptions.

Working Conditions and Hours

We require a full understanding of and voluntary acceptance of working conditions and terms. Additionally, the entire remuneration and social benefits of the staff are clearly and regularly documented in writing for each payment period. Our organization also ensures that wages and social benefits comply fully with all applicable laws and individual agreements and that payments are made via online transfer.

Neither our organization nor any entity providing workforce to our organization engages in or supports human trafficking activities.


BCR Automotive does not discriminate or support discrimination in hiring, compensation, access to training, promotion, termination, or retirement based on gender inequality, race, national or social origin, social class, birth, religion, disability, sexual orientation, family responsibilities, marital status, union membership, political views, age, or any other condition that may lead to discrimination.

Threatening, harassing, or coercive behaviors, including gestures, language, and physical contact, are not permitted in the workplace and other facilities.

Treating all staff with dignity and respect is one of our fundamental principles. Our organization does not engage in or tolerate practices such as corporate punishment, mental or physical violence, or verbal abuse of staff. We do not resort to excessive or inhumane treatment of our employees.

Child Labor

Kurumumuzda, çocuk işçiliği (15 yaş altı çocuklar) ile iştigal edilmemektedir ve desteklenmemektir.

Genç işçiler istihdam edilebilir (15 yaşın üstünde ve 18 yaşın altında), ancak söz konusu genç işçiler, zorunlu eğitim yasalarına tabi olduğu yerlerde, yalnızca okul saatleri dışında ve yerel yasalar uyarınca çalışabilir.

Çevresel Sürdürülebilirlik

Our company works to minimize the negative environmental impacts of our activities, products, and services through a proactive approach and conscious management of environmental issues. We use durable sheet metal as our raw material and ensure sustainability by producing long-lasting products.

In line with our Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, ensuring the applicability of the principles mentioned above to our employees, business partners, and all areas of impact is the responsibility of all BCR Automotive employees, starting with our top management.
